Spirit of Hope 2023

Join FSWC at our annual marquee event, Spirit of Hope, in Toronto on November 7 as we host outspoken ally Dr. Phil and eight other steadfast friends of Israel and the Jewish people.


Please note: Proceeds from Spirit of Hope will go exclusively to fund our educational programs in Canada devoted to the Holocaust, antisemitism and human rights.


Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center (FSWC) is thrilled to present Spirit of Hope, honouring allies of the Jewish people and Israel. In addition to presenting our keynote speaker, Dr. Phil, with FSWC’s 2024 Allyship Award, we will be celebrating eight extraordinary men and women who, especially over the past year, have shown great courage and moral clarity in speaking out against antisemitism and standing up in support of our community.

We will pay tribute to the following individuals whose exemplary values are a source of much-needed light at a time of such stormy darkness.

Doors open at 5:30 PM
Program begins at 6:20 PM

Spirit of Hope Chairs Ashley Steinhauer and Hank Latner

Spirit of Hope Fundraising Committee
Committee Chair Eddie Weisz
Ron Baruch, Michael Bregman, Paul Bronfman, David Cynamon,
Judith Finer Freedman, Jill Reitman,
Ashley Steinhauer, Fred Waks

Thank you to our valued sponsors