student leaders
to create positive change on campus
Applicants must be:
• 18 years of age or older
• Registered as an undergraduate or graduate student at a recognized Canadian university
• Committed to advancing the fight against racism and antisemitism
• A citizen of Canada
The inaugural Fellowship will begin in August 2023 and conclude in May 2024.
FSWC will accept fellowship applications for 2023-2024 starting on Tuesday, January 3rd, 2023.
The application deadline is Wednesday, March 1st, 2023.
For questions about the application process or the fellowship, please email our Advocacy Department at advocacy@fswc.ca
In Canada, as in many other countries, university campuses have become ground zero for those waging a relentless campaign against Israel, including often opposing its very existence. Today, Jewish students are increasingly targeted and harassed for their association with Israel and Zionism. They are being intimidated in classrooms by so-called “progressive” professors and bullied by fellow students who, in their woke-fueled zeal, want to cancel them from student life. In the face of this toxic new reality, we need new strategies and programs to challenge the status quo and drive impact in our fight against antisemitism.
To significantly mitigate the harsh, hateful rhetoric and actions against Israel and Jews on campuses, driven largely by misinformation and ignorance, we believe it’s paramount to grow allyship. That’s why we created the Wiesenthal Campus Advocacy Fellowship. Each year, the program will offer 10 Canadian student leaders from all backgrounds, religions and walks of life an enriching experience to increase their knowledge and develop their skills in combatting antisemitism and advocating for human rights.
The Wiesenthal Campus Advocacy Fellowship is made possible through the vision and generosity of our valued donors. We invite you to join them in supporting this important program to ensure its future development.
By donating to this timely initiative, you are investing in a more tolerant, more inclusive society, contributing to a better future for your children and grandchildren. For more information on supporting the Wiesenthal Campus Advocacy Fellowship, please contact Ariel Tobe at atobe@fswc.ca or 416-864-9735.