Canadian Courts Affirm Iran’s Role in Terrorism, Give Victims Proceeds from Property Sales

September 12, 2019


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Toronto (September 12, 2019) - Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center (FSWC) is pleased to learn that a share of proceeds from tens of thousands worth of Iranian government properties sold in Canada have been handed to terror victims.

According to a Global News report, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice authorized the distribution to victims of the Iran-sponsored terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah.

“We applaud the Court for taking this incredible step against terrorism, which has global implications. This decision sends a message to the Iranian regime that Canada will not stand idle while it supports terrorist groups and attacks against innocent civilians,” said FSWC president and CEO Avi Benlolo.

Properties included the Iranian Cultural Centre in Ottawa and the Centre for Iranian Studies in Toronto.

The properties were sold under the Justice for Victims of Terrorism Act, which was enacted in 2012 and allows terror victims to bring lawsuits against terrorists and their supporters.