UofT Campers Take Part in FSWC's Women's Rights Workshop
Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center's (FSWC) Educator, Daniella, presented a Women's Rights Are Human Rights workshop on Wednesday to campers at Camp UofT. Campers were part of "Girls Achieve" - a camp aimed at 11- and 12-year-old girls who want to be leaders. The group of 30 girls was very eager to discuss issues that were relevant and important to them.
FSWC Raises Concerns About Nazi Memorabilia at Antiques Market
After being notified by anFSWC member that Nazi memorabilia is being sold at a Pickering antiques market,the organization launched an investigation into the matter. After confirmingthat items such as a letterhead belonging to the General Governor of Krakow,identification cards of German workers, a Nazi flag, and many other items werebeing sold, FSWC lodged complaints with the owner of the market, the mayorof the city and with local police. "This kind of thing ishorrific," FSWC President and CEO Avi Benlolo told The Canadian Press."People are venerating the Nazis and celebrating the regime." FSWCreleased a video of Benlolo reporting from the market, which received nearly10,000 views on social media, with many expressing outrage and thanking FSWCfor taking a stand.
SWC Commends Arnold Schwarzenegger for Supporting Fight Against Hate, Antisemitism
Simon Wiesenthal Center thanked former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger for his generous gift of $100,000 to support the organization's fight against bigotry, hate and antisemitism. Schwarzenegger also condemned Saturday's white supremacist rally in Charlottesville on Facebook, stating, "My message to them is simple: you will not win. Our voices are louder and stronger. There is no white America - there is only the United States of America."
Canadians React to White Supremacist Rally in Charlottesville
As hundreds of white supremacists and neo-Nazis gathered inCharlottesville, Virginia on Saturday for a "Unite the White" rally -which turned violent and deadly after a man drove into counter-protestors,killing one and injuring 19 - many Canadians joined Americans in speaking outagainst the troubling event. This morning, Torontonians gathered outside the U.S. Consulate inToronto to protest against the rally. Yesterday Prime Minister Justin Trudeauexpressed his condemnation of the rally on Twitter, stating: "We knowCanada isn't immune to racist violence & hate. We condemn it in all itsforms & send support to the victims in Charlottesville."
Avi Benlolo Addresses Charlottesville Rally and Attack
Drawing a connection between FSWC's recent discovery of Nazi memorabilia at a Pickering antiques market and this weekend's disturbing white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, FSWC President and CEO Avi Benlolo emphasized in a post this morning that the man who allegedly drove into counter-protestors and killed a woman "idolized Hitler." Benlolo stated: "We cannot discount how the inclusion of hate materials in our society can inspire people to act horrifically."
At times like these,it's important that we all unite to fight hatred and antisemitism. Make adifference today by donating to Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center. We thankyou for your support!
Regina Teachers Reflect on Tour of Holocaust Sites
Four teachers from the Regina Catholic School Division, along with teachers and 27 students from Toronto, spent 15 days in July touring various Holocaust sites throughout Germany and Poland. Each carrying a personal letter from a Holocaust survivor, the group's tour included five concentration camps and numerous other Holocaust memorials. The same teachers also took part in FSWC's four-day Holocaust Educator Certificate Course in July.
'Young Peacebuilders' Recognized on International Youth Day
On Saturday the Government of Canada released a statement recognizing young Canadians - who are more interconnected today than ever before and are involved in creating solutions to local and international conflicts. Referring to "young peacebuilders around the world," the Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau - Minister of International Development and La Francophonie - stated that "youth are powerful agents of change and valuable allies," and it's important to ensure their voices are heard.
American Man Under Investigation After Giving Nazi Salute in Germany
For the second time this month, a tourist in Germany is in legal trouble after giving a Nazi salute - which is illegal in the country. Police say the man was intoxicated when he made the salute early Saturday morning and was then assaulted by a passer-by. The case is being examined by the state prosecutor, who will determine if the man will be charged. Earlier this month, two Chinese tourists were arrested and charged in Berlin after performing the salute in front of the city's parliament building.
SlutWalk Chicago Shuns Zionist Group
According to reports, participants of a Zionist group called Zioness were shunned at Saturday's SlutWalk in Chicago. Signs depicting a woman wearing a Star of David were blocked with umbrellas by SlutWalk participants, and following a rally a Palestinian activist yelled to the crowd "you cannot be a Zionist and feminist." Prior to the march, organizers expressed that they didn't support the participation of the Zioness initiative.
From the Arab World
An explosion ata market in Qataba, Yemen resulted in the deaths of 13people today and wounded others. No group has claimed responsibility for thebombing, although both al-Qaida and the Islamic State are active insouthern Yemen. A civil war has been taking place in the country since 2015, asforces loyal to the internationally recognized government have been fightingwith Shiite rebels known as the Houthis.
According to the UN,more than 600,000 displaced Syrianrefugees have returned to their homes so far this year.Eighty-four per cent were displaced within Syria, while the rest returnedfrom Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq. The highest number of Syriansreturned to Aleppo.
Mossad Chief Yossi Cohen stated on Sunday thatIsrael has identified the presence of Iran, Hezbollah and non-Iranian Shiiteforces that are making their way to the region. While speaking to Israelicabinet ministers about the ceasefire deal between Russia and the US, he saidthat Israel's demand to have Iranian and Shiite forces leave the area were notaccepted.
Support Holocaust Survivor Testimony
FSWC is currentlyworking on recording additional Holocaust survivor testimony to includeon www.neverforgetme.ca,and we need your help! Each video requires $750 to record, edit and upload tothe website. We have an incredible group of survivors ready to share theirtestimony, providing first-hand experiences about the cost of hatred andintolerance. These testimonies MUST be preserved for generations to come.
To make a contribution to this important initiative, please contact Melissa at mmikel@fswc.ca or call 416-864-9735 x40.
FSWC Wants to Hear from You
Passionate about an issue in the news or your community? Does it align with FSWC's mandate? Then we want to hear from you! FSWC is inviting you to submit reflections on issues that matter to you and the community. While we won't be publishing anything just yet, we will be taking all submissions into consideration for future projects.Submit reflections to aborisovsky@fswc.ca.