Community Intelligence Brief - May 15, 2017

May 15, 2017

Intelligence Brief

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1. 167-Year-Old Manhattan SynagogueDestroyed in Mysterious Fire

A historic 167-year-old synagogue in theManhattan borough of New York City wascompletely destroyed by a three-alarm fire yesterday afternoon, althoughthe cause of the fire is still unknown. Media reports claim that the BethHamedrash Hagadol synagogue had been left vacant since at least 2008, and hadbeen frequented by curious local school children as well as the homeless. Thecause of the fire may be common mischief, although authorities have not yetmade a concrete determination. One witness told the Daily Mail that “kids” had been caught trying to start a small fireon the premises roughly a week ago; however, that blaze was quickly broughtunder control by local authorities.     

2.Norway’s Largest Trade Union Votes to Support Antisemitic BDS Campaign AgainstIsrael

Norway’s largest trade union, the Norwegian Confederationof Trade Unions, has voted infavour of supporting the antisemitic Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS)campaign against Israel on Friday at its quadrennial congressional meeting - the organization’s highestauthority. The organization reportedly voted against the recommendation made byits leader - Hans-Christian Gabrielsen - to not support BDS by a count of 193in favour of BDS and 117 against. Norway’s Foreign Minister, Borge Brende, hassince criticized the vote, saying the Norwegian government “strongly opposes”the decision and tweeting “we need more cooperation and dialogue, not boycott.”

3. US Intelligence Chief: Iran Is StillDeveloping ICBM Technology

TheUnited States’ Director of National Intelligence, Daniel Coats, has briefed USSenators on the Iranian regime’s continued and illegal development ofIntercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) technology – contravening theterms of the West’s so-called “nuclear deal” signed with Iran in 2015. Coatsreportedly stated that Iran could use its missile technology to launch anuclear weapon, saying, “We judge that Tehran would choose ballistic missilesas its preferred method of delivering nuclear weapons, if it builds them.”Coats claims that Iran is using its space program as a cover for ballisticmissile development, and that “progress on Iran's space program could shorten apathway to an ICBM because space launch vehicles use similar technologies.” FSWC is deeply troubled by this news, as Iran has repeatedlycalled for the destruction of Israel and is now increasing their presence along the Israeli-Syrian border.

4. Netanyahu: Moving US Embassy toJerusalem Would Advance Peace

Following the Trumpadministration’s public waffling on its promise to move the US Embassy inIsrael from Tel Aviv to the country’s eternal capital city Jerusalem - due to stated concerns about its effect on the peace processbetween Israel and the Palestinians - Israeli Prime MinisterBenjamin Netanyahu said yesterday in a statement that “relocating theAmerican embassy would not harm the peace process, on the contrary it wouldadvance it (the peace process) by correcting a historic injustice and byshattering the Palestinian fantasy according to which Jerusalem isn't thecapital of Israel.” The comments come ahead of President Trump’s planned visitto Israel next week, where the embassy move is expected to be at the top of theagenda for both Trump and Netanyahu. Last month, Russia became the first country to recognizeany part of the city as the capital of Israel after announcing that it recognizes West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

5. Caught on Camera: Jordanian ManLaunches Knife Attack on Israeli Police Officer

In what canonly be described as a shocking scene, a Jordanian man’s weekend knife attack on anIsraeli policeman in Jerusalem has been caught on camera. Theassailant, reportedly 57-year-old Jordanian Muhammad Abdullah Salim al-Kassji,stabbed a 37-year-old Israeli policeman before being shot dead by the policeofficer. The police officer was then brought to a nearby hospital with“moderate” injuries to his head and neck. The attack follows a disturbing trendin recent years for so-called Palestinian “freedom fighters” to launchsmall-scale attacks against Israeli targets – usually involving stabbings, orin some cases using vehicles as battering rams.

6.FSWC at Work

Last week, FSWC educators aboard FSWC’sstate-of-the-art, award-winning mobile learning classroom, the Tour forHumanity, reached over 900 students at five local schools inthe northern Ontario community of Sault Ste. Marie. Now the bus is back home inToronto following a more than 700 km trip! Next week, the Tour will visitschools in Richmond Hill, Brampton, Markham and in Toronto proper.  FSWC takes pride in delivering ouraward-winning tolerance and diversity educational services to young peopleacross Canada – whether it be in rural or remote communities, or large urbanareas such as the Greater Toronto Area. These initiatives would not be possibleif it were not for the support from ourgenerous community members like you!


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