Federal Grant to Enable FSWC Advocacy Efforts Across Canada

March 27, 2018

Media Release

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Toronto (March 27, 2018) - Communities across the country will be inspired by Simon Wiesenthal's legacy and have access to the unique educational experiences presented by Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center (FSWC) thanks to generous funding from the Government of Canada. 

With a goal to educate students, educators, law enforcement and front-line professionals about topics of diversity, equality and human rights, FSWC will apply this $177,000 grant towards mobilizing its Hate and Intolerance Workshops and the acclaimed Tour of Humanity mobile classroom to destinations outside Ontario.    

"We are delighted and grateful to receive such generous financial support from the Department of Canadian Heritage," said FSWC President and CEO Avi Benlolo. "This grant will go towards empowering Canadians of all stripes with the tools to promote tolerance and counter injustice in their own communities." 

A portion of government the grant will be applied to programming in 2018 with the second half going toward 2019 initiatives. FSWC educators will travel to western Canadian provinces (Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia) for both training and advocacy purposes.  

"Through the Inter-Action program, our government is proud to support projects aimed at strengthening bonds between all Canadians, while addressing issues of discrimination and prejudice at the community level," said the Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Minister responsible for Multiculturalism. "We are pleased to support the work of the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center as they seek to educate Canadians of all ages and backgrounds about these important issues, and inspire them to work together toward a more inclusive and diverse Canada." 

"Par l'entremise du programme Inter-Action, notre gouvernement est fier de soutenir des projets qui renforcent les liens entre tous les Canadiens, tout en abordant les questions de la discrimination et des préjugés à l'échelle des communautés, a déclaré l'honorable Mélanie Joly, ministre du Patrimoine canadien et ministreresponsable du Multiculturalisme. Nous sommes heureux d'appuyer le travail des amis du Centre Simon Wiesenthal, qui consiste à sensibiliser les Canadiens de tous les âges et horizons à ces questions importantes et à les inciter à travailler ensemble pour faire du Canada un pays plus inclusif et diversifié." 

For more information about the educational and advocacy work of FSWC, please visit: www.friendsofsimonwiesenthalcenter.com 

Cara Scholl, Public Relations Coordinator

Avital Borisovsky, Communications Associate
416-864-9735 x 29