Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center Condemns Ryerson University Apartheid Week

March 19, 2018


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Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center strongly condemns the upcoming‘Israeli Apartheid Week’ (IAW) at Ryerson University, hosted by Students for Justicein Palestine (SJP Ryerson).

Every year at this time, Israeli Apartheid Week takes root onacademic campuses to stoke division through its biased presentation ofanti-Israel propaganda. It is scheduled to begin at Ryerson on March 23.

“It’s beyond regrettable tosee this prejudiced event find haven at a Canadian university,” saidFSWC President and CEO Avi Benlolo. "Israeli Apartheid Week fuels discordand has historically left Jewish and Israeli students feeling unsafe on campus.We encourage staff and students to take a stand and reject IAW at RyersonUniversity.”

FSWC has written an open letter to Ryerson University PresidentDr. Mohamed Lachemi expressing strong concern over Israeli Apartheid Week.