'Cause You Gotta Have Faith'
A positive attitude can change theworld. Good deeds start with good thoughts and kind words.
In a fractured world like ours, there are peoplewho are standing up and speaking out every single day. Thisweek, I had the pleasure of meeting and working with a number ofindividuals – who in their own way – are taking action andstanding up for truth and justice.
A wonderful gentleman of British origin came tosee me this week about his church and his concern with the United Church ofCanada's irrational orientation against the State of Israel, and itspromotion of the boycott campaign. In his own words, he took the initiative tochallenge his own church's "oppressive denominational policy ofBoycott, Divestment and Sanction against the State of Israel." Intaking this stand, he will be meeting with and explaining to the leadership ofthe UCC the irrational and antisemitic position they have embraced.
Not dissimilarly is the action undertaken byanother individual who, this week, stood up and voiced his opinionand concern at an important union convention. Through this person's words anddeeds, others within the participating unions stood up and spoke out againstbiased and discriminatory resolutions that were introduced to the floor ofthe convention. One defamatory resolution against Israel was quashed as aresult, while even as the other succeeded, it was met with public accusationsof racism and antisemitism – an important pushback against thesilence that has often taken hold at these conventions.
Another social change maker who visited ouroffices this week is an activist who has made it his mission to remove hatefulgraffiti in Montreal. Corey Fleischer, who will be speaking at FSWC'sFreedom Day this fall, said that 90% of his efforts involve removal of swastikasand other antisemitic or Nazi-type graffiti from walls, bridges, back alleys,telephone poles, apartment buildings and parks of Montreal. One of the mostremarkable acknowledgements Fleischer revealed to me was just how much hategraffiti can be found in regular neighbourhoods – some of them upscale- "you would be surprised."
Counter balancing negative thoughts and deedswith positive action – often through education and advocacy – isalso what takes place at schools across the country daily. This week, Ihad the pleasure of speaking to committed heads of schools who were intent onpositively effecting change in their schools. Antisemitic incidents andincidents of racism and intolerance often confront them – and thepushback from the community can be challenging at times. Those in theeducational world, whom we have worked with, are willing to confront thechallenge head on and ensure the experience becomes a productive learningopportunity for the students, their parents and the community itself.
There is hope that together, through positiveaction, the rising tide of antisemitism and bias against Israel willsubside. There are good people speaking out every single day and challengingnegative attitudes. We gotta have faith!