From the Desk of Avi Benlolo: Never Back Down

August 11, 2017


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Avi's Editorial in Times of Israel

Never Back Down

In a recent article titled, "Why I Went toAuschwitz," former NBA superstar Ray Allen contemplated a significantquestion: "Why do we learn about the Holocaust? Is it just so we can makesure nothing like this ever happens again? Is it because six million peopledied? Yes, but there's a bigger reason, I think. The Holocaust was abouthow human beings, real, normal people like you and me – treat each other."

Allen nailed it; to learn about the Holocaust isto learn about ourselves and about humanity in general. The Holocaustrepresents the worst of the worst ordinary people could become. Apropos, inconversation about Nazism, a friend recalled a native parable: an elder told his grandson about twowolves who live in every heart. One is Evil — anger, jealousy, pride — and theother is Good — joy, love, peace, humility. The grandson asked his grandfather,“Which wolf wins?” The elder replied, “The one you feed.” The German people fedthe wrong wolf ... he said.

The way we treat each other and the way we reactto hate and intolerance around us defines our state of humanity. It also putsto the test the strength of our social institutional structures which guide andprotect civil discourse to ensure we are guided by common values and norms. Unfortunately,these days, there are multiplying factors which are stressing the existing –mainly legal - framework. This week, for example, we uncovered a store that isselling Nazi memorabilia, including flags, pins, playing cards, magazines andmore.

The seller seems unabashed in openly displayinghorrific genocidal and antisemitic material. In this open veneration of Hitlerand Nazism, we deduce there must be a market place for white supremacism andneo-Nazism in our very own backyard. In fact, Nazi collectables from the era isa booming business online and at flea markets and shops in Canada and aroundthe world. It should be disconcerting for us that our neighbours want to feel a"closeness" to the Nazis by collecting memorabilia.

Nazism is not only offensive to the Jewishcommunity but to Canadians at large. Canada lost 45,000 soldiers in thefighting against the Nazi Germans to liberate Europe. Any symbolism orcelebration of Nazism and the white supremacism on our soil is a stain on thememory of those Canadian soldiers who fought against the Nazis.

The passing of Holocaust denier and neo-Nazi –Ernst Zundel this week was another reminder of the evil which lurks in theshadows of history and truth. How contemptible to minimize the horrific deathof six million Jews and millions more at the hands of a racially inspiredsociety. And once again we were witness to the vile defence of hate propagandaat a hearing this week in Toronto about an antisemitic (actuallyanti-everything) paper being distributed across the region, including possiblytargeting Jewish homes. But our lawyers stood their ground and defendedhumanity to the drum beat of never again – for we shall never back down.

In his conclusion, Allen reflects that in 2017we need to do a better job breaking ignorance and closed mindedness: "Howcan human beings do this to one another? How does somebody process that? Youcan't. This is not history. This is humanity. This is now. This is a livinglesson for us as a people." - Amen.

Shabbat Shalom,
