This week ushered in a new year fraught with a good deal ofapprehension and, for many people around the world, outright fear. Thechallenges facing humanity are tremendous and often appear overwhelming.
2016 was by too many counts a difficult and dangerous year. Increasing acts ofglobal terrorism, the ongoing tragedy in Syria and the continued growth inantisemitism around the world, capped off by avicious UN campaign designed to sever the Jewish people from their history andculture, make hope and optimism seem difficult, if not outright foolish.
But 2017 is a year of celebration in Canada. This magnificent country is 150years old, and Canadians are justifiably proud of our efforts to overcome ahistory of antisemitism and discrimination; today ourdiverse country is recognized as one of the best in the world, and those ofus who are fortunate enough to hold Canadian citizenship are indeed among theluckiest people anywhere.
Althoughswastikas and other signs of growing racist and antisemitic tensions continueto appear in public spaces across the country, they are in every instancecondemned by authorities and the general public. The growing demand for Friendsof Simon Wiesenthal Center's (FSWC)human rights-based education workshops by school boards and communitiesacross the province is a clear indicator that racism and discrimination are nottolerated by our civic leaders. The flames of antisemitism and prejudice arenot being fanned by Canadian politicians; despite the efforts of racists andantisemites, their hatred is countered by words of support for Jews and otherminorities from our elected leaders, educators, police and the wider public.
There are always bright spots: InDecember the Lambton-Kent District School Board became the 21st board to joinFSWC's initiative to recognize International Holocaust Remembrance Day(January 27) in schools throughout the province. This means more than 1.2million Ontario students will learn about and commemorate the Holocaust everyJanuary, with many boards implementing classroom activities recommended byFSWC's education department to assist in teaching about this vital initiative.
Today Canada is a model of inclusivity and diversity for the rest of the worldto emulate. We have overcome fear and accepted refugees in communities largeand small from sea to sea. We have condemnedthe antisemitic BDS movement designed to destroy Israel, and arepoised to proclaim the month of May as Jewish Heritage month across the country.We continue to address the mistakes of the past, and are trying to do betterfor future generations.
DuringRosh Hashanah I had the opportunity to meet Prime Minister Justin Trudeauand present him with a copy of "The Sunflower' - Simon Wiesenthal's meditation on theHolocaust and forgiveness. In this brief book the noted Holocaust survivor andNazi hunter reminds us "freedom is not a gift from heaven. One must fightfor it every day."
And so we begin the New Year with a dual mission: to embrace ourcountry and celebrate its myriad achievements in this 150th year of our sharedhistory, while being ever mindful of the dangers to our freedoms, and workingconstantly to ensure they are cherished and preserved.
Never before has this task been so important; I look forward toyour continued support.
Happy New Year, and Shabbat Shalom,