FSWC Calls on Police, Lawmakers to Confront Glorification of Terror Following Pro-Hezbollah Rallies in Toronto and Montreal

October 1, 2024

News Release

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Demonstrator with Hezbollah flags at an anti-Israel protest in Toronto over the weekend.

Toronto (October 1, 2024) – Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center (FSWC) is calling on both police and lawmakers to take urgent action to confront the public glorification of terrorism and ensure those who glorify terror groups are held accountable.

FSWC has filed reports with the Toronto Police Service and Service de police de la Ville de Montréal and is calling for charges to be laid after Hezbollah flags and photos of Hassan Nasrallah, the just-deceased leader of the Lebanon-based terrorist group, were brandished at anti-Israel protests over the weekend, in addition to other hateful signs, chants and actions. These included signs calling for "armed resistance," the burning of Israeli flags and a speaker calling for protesters to "Teach your children the Zionist entity is an enemy. Teach your children that the resistance is an honour. Teach your children that there is no such country called Israel."

The Iranian-backed Hezbollah is officially listed as a "terrorist" organization by Canada and the United States. Individuals displaying the flags of terror groups can be charged under Section 319 of the Criminal Code for public incitement of hatred.

It is clear, however, that existing laws are not sufficient to ensure police have the necessary tools to confront the promotion of terror taking place in Canada today.

In a joint letter sent to Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada Arif Virani today, FSWC, B'nai Brith Canada and CIJA urged the federal government to immediately criminalize the glorification of terrorism, recommending that Canada "adopt legislation prohibiting the public display of flags and symbols of listed terrorist entities, ensuring that those who promote terrorism are held accountable."

"While many European nations, including the United Kingdom, France, and Germany, have enacted legislation that bans the public display of terrorist symbols, Canada has yet to take such a step," the letter states. "The absence of such laws allows individuals to promote and celebrate terrorist ideologies without facing legal repercussions. This oversight is corrosive to public order and serves to embolden those who seek to radicalize others and perpetuate hatred in our communities."

"It’s time for Canada to enact clear, strong laws to ensure those who glorify terrorists and terror groups face the consequences and are held to account," said FSWC President and CEO Michael Levitt. "The celebration of terror and hateful actions that we saw this past weekend go against Canadian values and are an affront to our democracy. At a time when we are seeing a concerning rise in terror activity and extremism in this country, our leaders at all levels of government and law enforcement must prioritize ensuring the safety and security of all Canadians."

Demonstrators in Montreal held up photos of the late Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.

Protesters in Toronto waved Hezbollah flags and desecrated Israeli flags.