January 30, 2017: Friends of SimonWiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies (FSWC) condemns the horrific shooting and murder of innocentpeople at a Quebec mosque, and demands justice for the victims and theirfamilies.
“This tragic act of terror must be a wake-up call for all Canadians torecognize where hate and intolerance can lead,” said FSWC President & CEOAvi Benlolo. “The pursuit of justice includes strengthening our laws againsthate speech, and hateful acts – such as leaving a pig’s head outside a mosque -intended to intimidate and threaten individuals and communities.”
To this end FSWC repeats its previously statedcall for all levels of government and law enforcement to exhibit a greaterwillingness to prosecute hate speech than has been demonstrated in the past,and to put policies and procedures in place to reduce incidents of hate in ourcountry.
StaceyL. Starkman
Director of Communications & External Relations
416.864.9735 x 32 / sstarkman@fswc.ca