Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center (FSWC) is deeply concernedby Canada’s decision to abstain on a United Nations’ resolution pertaining tothe Israel-Gaza conflict.
The text,which was titled “Protection of the Palestinian civilian population” andfailed to include any mention of Hamas, passed overwhelmingly Wednesday in an emergencysession of the UN General Assembly by a vote of 120 to 8 with 45 abstentions. TheUnited States and Australia were among the countries to vote against it.
“Canada has turned its back on democracy in choosing toabstain on today’s resolution,” said FSWC President and CEO Avi Benlolo. “TheUnited Nations’ fixation on condemning Israel is not only absurd, it is athreat to global stability. We wish Canada would have recognized that today.”
Canada did vote in favour of a U.S.-sponsored amendment tocondemn Hamas for launching rockets and inciting violence along the Gaza border,but the text was ultimately rejected.