FSWC Education Report: February 12, 2018

February 12, 2018

Education Report

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Today the Tour for Humanity braved the weather in eastern Ontario to deliver workshops at a Catholic School in Perth, a small town an hour west of Ottawa. This was Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center's (FSWC) first visit to Perth and the first time the Tour for Humanity has worked with the Catholic School Board of Eastern Ontario. FSWC Educator Elena was happy to report that the visit was a resounding success and we look forward to our return to the same school tomorrow. Elena taught 4 workshops today, 2 of the Canadian Experience and 2 of Global Perspectives on Genocide. Although the students were generally quiet, there was a fair amount of knowledge about the Nazi regime. This came in handy when illustrating the stages of genocide and the history of the post-war emergence of human rights discussions.