FSWC Education Report - July 11, 2017

July 11, 2017

Education Report

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Today Tour for Humanity spent a second day at Upper Canada College's (UCC) Horizons Camp program. The program is in conjunction with Toronto District School Board to provide students specifically selected from their schools the opportunity to participate in summer activities at UCC. There were 4 groups who took part in programming on the Tour for Humanity, all of whom were fantastic. 

The first two groups were quite large and included students in Grades 7 and 8. There were a lot of questions during the workshops, with many students wanting to know more in-depth knowledge about how the Nazis persecuted Jewish people during the Holocaust and how they were able to identify who was Jewish. One student asked whether it was true that the Jewish people were forced to register with the cities and governments, so Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center (FSWC) Educator Daniella explained how people carried identification papers and then were forced to wear the yellow star. 

During the last group of the day a teacher was very interested in Canada's treatment of Jewish refugees during the war and asked for additional information about the SS St. Louis. She stayed behind afterwards to ask more questions. It turns out that she is a teacher at the Toronto First Nations School and was very impressed with FSWC programming and is very interested in working further with us. 

It was a great day! The camp coordinator came by at lunch and explained how impactful FSWC and Tour for Humanity workshops had been on the students that FSWC Educator Elena had worked with last week.