FSWC Education Report: June 7, 2018

June 7, 2018

Education Report

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Tour for Humanity journeyed back to London to a secondary school to work with Grades 10-12 students today. Staff and students at the school were lovely to work with and very appreciative that we made the trek back to the area. There were social workers who sat in on each workshop due to a tragic incident that happened at the school earlier in the school year, one in particular who was overwhelmed by our programming and how important our message is.

Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center (FSWC) Educator Daniella spoke with the social worker at length in between classes and not only does she work at multiple schools but also with Aboriginal communities. Her sister even works on a reserve in Moosonee (on James Bay, not too far from Atawapiskat). Daniella and the social worker discussed the possibility of partnering with some of the communities and providing workshops. 

The students themselves were also quite talkative and it was clear many had some prior knowledge. Some of the Grade 12 students commented that although they had previously learned about the Holocaust, the Tour for Humanity workshop was more in-depth and added to their previous lessons. They also appreciated learning about other genocides such as Rwanda and Cambodia.