Tour for Humanity finished up its London - Sarnia trip at a high school in St. Thomas, just outside of London. There were 4 Global Perspectives workshops on the bus to a combination of Grades 10-12 students. The third class of the day was quite memorable due to their questions and comments. It was a small social justice class, made up of Grades 10-12 students. The class was very inquisitive and had a lot of questions about the issues we were discussing. Questions began with the Nuremberg Laws and continued into a discussion about the types of jobs prisoners were forced to carry out. When Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center (FSWC) Educator Daniella discussed the “Final Solution” one student wanted to know why the Nazis didn’t just send the Jewish people to a different part of the world instead of killing them. Daniella explained that Hitler’s eventual goal would have been world domination as well as ensuring there was no Jewish population anywhere.
The last class of the day was a Grade 12 English class. Daniella began the workshop with the definition of genocide, and asked the group to explain what they thought it meant. A few of the students got into an interesting discussion about discrimination versus genocide. One student explained the difference as discrimination was the thoughts towards an identifiable group, whereas genocide was discrimination and action towards a group.