Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies (FSWC) is a foremost independent voice for humanity in Canada lead by a blue ribbon group of Directors, Governors and Senators. As a difficult and tumultuous year comes to a close, particularly with the shameful anti-Israel resolution at the United Nations, FSWC will continue being outspoken on the front lines here at home and around the world.
In 2017 our education and advocacy programs will grow in demand due to an anticipated increase in antisemitism and efforts to isolate and malign Israel. You can bet that FSWC and its leadership will continue strengthening and expanding capacity to confront these challenges head on. This is why your generosity is required now more than ever - to ensure a strong and resolute counter campaign to defend the Jewish people, its friends and allies alike - who stand on principles of justice and tolerance and strong moral and ethical values.
With your support in 2017 we will persist in our efforts and continue to grow from strength to strength.
Thank you. Your kind philanthropy is greatly appreciated.