Avi Benlolo's Letter to the Editor in the Toronto Star
Re: Ending the occupation is the path to Palestinian and Israeli freedom, June 5
Israel is not to blame. Unfortunately, the Palestinian leadership is responsible for the so-called “occupation.” For one, it seems to enjoy the status quo having been enriched and corrupted through international financial assistance programs. The strategy of keeping Palestinians stateless — as a thorn in Israel’s side — has been an Arab League policy for nearly 70 years, which is why all peace overtures by Israel have been rejected by the Palestinians. Furthermore, Izzeldin Abuelaish and Michael Dan eloquently ignore the elephant in the room — Hamas — a Palestinian terrorist group which rules Gaza and is in discord with the recognized Palestinian Authority. If it is freedom the Palestinians strive for, they must renounce terrorism, incitement of violence and anti-Semitism. They must begin with installation of democratic systems that will govern their nation. Let us note that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas was elected in 2005 and has cancelled all elections since — is this how you win your freedom? Unfortunately, the Palestinian Authority and Hamas are occupying their own people — by withholding peace and freedom under a theocratic rule imposed by themselves.