Rabbi Levi Gansburg, Founder & Spiritual Leader, Chabad on Bayview
The Gurs Concentration camp housed thousands of Jews during the Holocaust. Despite their harsh reality, they remained steadfast in hope and commitment to God and their traditions. Prior to Passover 1941, they compiled a Haggadah, so that they may celebrate the Holiday of Freedom even in the confines of their slavery.
Pinchas Rothschild, wrote these lines of their feelings as the holiday arrived:
"At the time, celebrating the Passover holiday in the Gurs camp, we felt as if a refreshing breeze from the Promised Land had descended upon us via the desert:"By the strength of His hand, God took us out from the house of slavery."
Before Gurs, we had led a carefree existence in the Diaspora, and had not attempted to truly understand or remember the miracle of the Exodus from Egypt – from slavery to freedom. Now, it was as if that which befell our nation in those distant days touched us and became part of our everyday existence. Then as now: the reality and the expectations. We vacillated between the hope for freedom and the hardships still waiting for us, as we began to prepare for the holiday week in the camp."
Pesach 2020 will be challenging for us all. Yet, these few lines must inspire us to celebrate it in introspection, hope, faith and determination. Indeed, in years to come, we will reflect on our response to our generation’s greatest challenge.
May God give us the strength to allow our Holiday of Freedom to free our minds and uplift our hearts even amid a world deep in pain and uncertainty.