Open Letter to Queen’s University Concerning Israeli Apartheid Week

March 8, 2018


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Office of the Principal
Queen's University
351 Richardson Hall
74 University Avenue
Kingston, Ontario
K7L 3N6

March 8, 2018

Dear Principal Woolf,

I am writing regarding the upcoming ‘Israeli ApartheidWeek’ scheduled to take place next week at Queen’s University. As an organizationdedicated to promoting tolerance and countering hate, Friends of SimonWiesenthal Center (FSWC) is troubled to see this discriminatory campaign beinghosted at a Canadian academic institution. 

Israeli Apartheid Week presents a one-sided viewpointaimed at vilifying and demonizing Israel, the Middle East’s only liberaldemocracy. This event spreads division through anti-Israel propaganda and hashistorically left Jewish and Israeli students feeling targeted and unwelcome ina place where they should otherwise feel safe, nurtured and secure. 

Principal Woolf, we at FSWC encourage the leadershipof Queen’s University to reject Israeli Apartheid Week and take a stand againstanti-Israel and anti-Jewish hatred. Let’s make our university campuses arespectful and tolerant environment for all students.

Thank you in advance for your consideration of ourconcerns.


Avi Benlolo 
President & CEO 
Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies