Myname is Avi Benlolo, I am the President and CEO of Friends of Simon WiesenthalCenter for Holocaust Studies.
Weare gathered here today to call attention to the atrocities committed in Syriaand specifically in Aleppo. Over 500,000 people have been killed in thishorrendous war.
Andeven as a truce has been called and refugees are attempting to depart this wartorn city, they do so with great uncertainty. Many more are trapped in Aleppoand surrounding villages.
Today,five Holocaust survivors feel compelled to speak out and condemn theatrocities: Howard Chandler, Max Eisen, Gerda Frieberg, Faigie Libman and VeraShiff.
Duringthe Holocaust, not enough people spoke out. In fact, most people stood by insilence and let the genocide happen. We often wonder why the railwaytracks leading into Auschwitz were not bombed. Or why rallies in the westfailed to materialize – or groups of people did not come together to simplyspeak out for humanity.
Thisis why we are pleading today for an immediate cessation of violence andhostility in Syria. We are also requesting the international community issueindictments and red notices for war crimes and crimes against humanity to thoseresponsible for the loss of innocent lives. This will bring perpetrators tojustice and give notice to future war criminals that they are not immune.
We- the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center have a responsibility to speak outagainst crimes against humanity. Humanity should never be silentagainst hate and discrimination. Behind me is our Tour for Humanity thattravels daily from school to school – educating and advocating for humanrights. Our namesake, Simon Wiesenthal believed that Freedom cannot betaken for granted. That we must protect it each and every day.
Andthis is why we are here today.
Withthis in mind, and in the spirit of the holidays, I would like to invite ourcherished members and survivors of the Holocaust to convey their thoughts toyou today about Syria and Aleppo.