This week Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies (FSWC) hadthe privilege of working with more than 250 students across the Greater TorontoArea, to teach them about the dangers of hatred and intolerance, and to inspirethem to make positive changes in their schools and communities. In the face ofa surgein antisemitism and racismin Canada this week, our efforts have taken on renewed importance.Our 'Rootsof Hate and Intolerance' workshop for high school students is emblematic ofthe work we do to address issues of hate in Canada and around the world. Thisweek 50 grade 10 students from St. Marguerite d'Youville School in Bramptonparticipated in the workshop and enjoyed a lively discussion about intoleranceand racism, and what the American election means for Canada and Canadians. Thegroup concluded that fear should not be the guiding force behind ourperceptions of people who are different from us.
Thistype of dialogue is typical of the conversations we enjoy with youth of allages right across the province. Sadly, much of what we are hearing from thevery youngest students in elementary school is about their fear of increaseddiscrimination, deportation and even World War III. Our trained educators areprepared to deal with these difficult discussions. By laying a foundationof historical context and engaging in meaningful discussion with students tohelp dispel their alarm, FSWC works to empower them to take positive actions toimprove their schools and communities.
The fact that FSWC workshops in the Tom and Anna Koffler Training Centerclassroom in Toronto, and on the Tour for Humanity mobile ToleranceEducation classroom, are booked solid until the end of the academic year pointsto the growing need and demand for programs that speak to issues of humanrights, and inspire students to speak out against injustice.
"The increased hatred we see in Canada, from these antisemitic and racistincidents in the past two weeks must not be normalized or accepted in anyway," explained FSWC President & CEO Avi Benlolo. "Instead, wemust educate our children and communities about tolerance, about acceptance ofdiversity, about the importance of inclusion and about the need to protectthese core values. The foundation of Canadian society depends on defending andupholding these values and beliefs against those who would undermine them inthe cause of divisiveness and hate."
CLICKHERE for more information on FSWC's inspiring Educational Workshops.
CLICK HERE todonate and support FSWC's Tolerance Education programs