Update on ONDP Convention Resolution 9-11: 'Justice for Palestinians, Boycott Apartheid Israel'

April 24, 2017


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Accordingto Ontario NDP Leader Andrea Horwath's office, "the motion did not reachthe floor, was not debated, and was not passed."  However, her officerefused to say if Ms. Horwath would be condemning the motion at all now thatthe 2017 convention is over and she has been elected.  

"Wecontinue to stand by our contention that such a defamatory and slanderousresolution should not have been included in the convention agenda in the firstplace," said Avi Benlolo, President and CEO. FSWC continues to beconcerned that the boycotting of the Jewish state has now entered into thelexicon of the ONDP – a party with a long and generous history of counteringracism, intolerance and discrimination.  

FSWC and its membership will continue pressing theONDP and its constituency offices to denounce the so-called boycott, divestmentand sanctions campaign and the mislabeling of Israel as a state which supports"apartheid."