Toronto (May 31, 2024) – Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center (FSWC) is appalled by last night's violent attack against a Vancouver synagogue. This marks the third such incident in the past six days in Canada, following shootings at Jewish schools in Toronto and Montreal. This comes as the country continues to experience surging anti-Jewish incidents since the Hamas atrocities in Israel last October.
According to the Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver, Schara Tzedeck Synagogue was the target of an arson attack. No injuries were reported and minimal damage was caused.
FSWC President and CEO Michael Levitt issued the following statement in response to the incident:
"To see three violent attacks against Canada's Jewish community in less than a week is unfathomable and extremely sobering for Jews across the country. Historically, we know that unchecked, hateful rhetoric often escalates into violence, and this is exactly what we are now experiencing in Canada. The question is not if but when these attacks will result in outright tragedy. It's imperative that all levels of government take immediate action to protect Jewish Canadians. This is a critical moment that demands comprehensive security measures and unwavering support to ensure the safety of our communities across the country. When is enough, enough?”